What’s Your Dog’s Play Style?


Let’s face it: dog play can be quite entertaining to watch and its associated amusement can even beat the best television shows. Have you ever found yourself putting down the remove and shutting off the T.V. to watch your four-legged companions play? The best part is that every dog seems to have a preferred play style. There are dogs who love to chase, dogs who love to wrestle and dogs who are just satisfied to watch other dogs play while carefully monitoring their interactions. In a previous article we looked at the different meanings behind dog sleeping positions, today instead we’ll be discovering different play styles in dogs. Interestingly, there are several! How does your dog play?

The Refereesdog fun police

These dogs may not actively play among other dogs much. Instead, they’ll carefully monitor play sessions sticking by the edges of a group of dogs playing. Their main “play style” seems to entail following at a distance repeatedly barking at the players and swiftly intervening if things seem to get out of hand.

What triggers their intervention? Overly exuberant play or the first signs of a fight brewing may cause them to raise their yellow “penalty card” evoking them to get in between the dogs in an attempt to split things up or break up the fun.

warningCaution: While these dogs’ interventions may be helpful to split things up when dogs seem to not play “by the rules,” things can turn problematic when certain dogs don’t appreciate their “fun police” intrusions and get tired of having their movement controlled.

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“Herding dogs often assume the cheerleader or fun police role.” ~Pat Miller

the chaser dogsThe Chasers

These are dogs who love to romp around chasing other dogs or being the ones chased. They may do a play bow to initiate a chasing session or they may pick up a toy to entice a game of “keep away.” Then, off they go running around wildly.

Most dogs cannot resist a game of chase when one dog takes off asking to be chased. Dogs may even take turns in a tag-like fashion and sometimes play “freeze tag” where they stop and go, stop and go. Herding breeds may add their personal twist to the game and also add staring, stalking and nipping the heels of the dog being chased in the mix.

Many dogs do not mind being chased, but some may get a bit nervous especially when they are cornered. Keep an eye on the body language of the dog being chased. If his tail is low and he is trying to hide somewhere with his ears flattened or paw raised up, there are chances he’s intimidated by the game.

Not too sure if the dog being chased is having fun? Here’s a good test to find out. Gently restrain the chasing dog and see if the dog being chased runs right back to the chaser for more play.

warningCaution: chasing can be contagious! Keep an eye on dogs joining in and chasing down a single dog as seen in the picture! Also, use extra caution with large dogs chasing small dogs; predatory drift is a dangerous phenomenon that can be easily avoided by simply dividing play mates by sizes. Don’t take the risk!

“A dog that is having fun chasing is relaxed and loose. The dog that becomes predatory looks stiff, fixated and intense.” Robin K. Bennet

The Rugby Playersrugby players

Some dogs like to play hard and their passion may be body slamming at full speed against others dogs and even flipping them over. These dogs enjoy full-contact play which can be fun if they find another buddy with a similar play style, but the problem is that not all dogs are accepting of this rough play style.

The body slams and hip checks may be perceived as frightening to smaller dogs, old dogs, and puppies which can get hurt or end up being bullied, cautions dog trainer Jolanta Benal. 

warningCaution: dogs who do not find this type of contact sport acceptable may respond by lunging or snapping and things can take a turn for the worse.

It’s a good idea to train rough-and -tumble dogs a solid “leave it” or a recall so they can be re-directed before things get out of hand.

The Wrestlerswrestling dogs

As the name implies, these dogs seem to mimic a wrestling match with dogs jumping up and pawing at each other. This play style entails mostly vertical play. Along with the pawing, there’s often also big displays of teeth where dogs take turns biting on faces and necks, a behavior that many dog owners refer to as “bitey faces.”

These players are often great in inhibiting their bites and despite how vicious they look, it’s for the most part harmless play. You may sometimes stumble on hounds who will chase dogs and then they’ll start wrestling, ending the matches with fearsome growls and playful mock attacks aiming for the throat.

Many sporting and working breeds, along with the larger terriers, may enjoy this type of play.

warningCaution: as with rugby players, this style of play requires close monitoring to check how other dogs are perceiving it.

The Tuggers

dog tug of war

Some dogs are particularly passionate about tug-of-war games and they’ll encourage other dogs to play by shoving their tug toy near their faces. Despite what you may have heard in the past, this game has little to do with “dominance’ but more about just having fun.

Indeed, you’ll often see large dogs “self-handicapping” when playing it with a smaller or younger dog. This game is reminiscent of ancient times, dating back centuries prior to when tug toys were invented.

Indeed, in the old days a dog’s ancestors were playing games of tug by using remnants of pieces of hides of killed animals.

warningCaution: this game puts dog faces close to each other and there may be some inevitable moments of direct eye contact. Watch the game as some dogs may not be comfortable with this. Also, keep an eye open for signs of resource guarding.

cat likeThe Batters

You often see this play style in small, toy breed dogs or in dogs who lack confidence or have a history of being intimidated by rowdy play. These dogs engage in cat-like play where they will be gently batting other dogs’ faces with their paws and engage in other forms of soft play.

Some dogs may have converted to this play style because of some physical impairment such as arthritis or other orthopedic problem.

warning cautionCaution: These dogs do best playing with appropriately sized playmates or other dogs who match their play style as wrestling, body slamming may be too much for them  physically or emotionally.

As seen, there are many different play styles in dogs, but you may find that many like to combine many of the above and some dogs may have some quite unique play styles. How does your dog play?  Regardless of the type of play that dogs engage in, the most important factor is to make sure everyone is having fun! A good way to dog this is by hand picking dogs that make good, compatible play mates.



  • Quick and Dirty Tips: Dog Play Styles and Aggression, by Jolanta Benal, retrieved from the web on April 1st, 2016.
  • Play with Your Dog, by Pat Miller, Dogwise Publishing (July 1, 2008)
  • Off Leash Dog Play: A Complete Guide to Safety and Fun, by Robin Bennett, CPDT and Susan Briggs, CKO, Dogwise Publishing (January 1, 2008)

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Dog Word of the Day: Self-Handicapping


In human psychology, self-handicapping is a term used to depict those situations where people make excuses for their poor performances so to justify their potential failure, and therefore, protect their self esteem, but in the dog world, the term self-handicapping has a quite different meaning. In dogs, self-handicapping is mostly seen in social situations, and its most relevant application is seen during play. If you ever frequented a dog park or watched dogs of different sizes play, you may have perhaps seen this endearing phenomenon take place many times.

dog self handicapping 3Dog Playing Versus Fighting

Dog play often incorporates elements that are drawn from other “serious” behavior contexts. There may be elements seen in hunting (stalking, pouncing, chasing), elements seen in fighting (growling, snapping, biting) and sometimes even  elements seen in courtship and mating (mounting). As in children play, puppy play often entails enactments of things dogs will be doing in their adult lives (there are also patterns that are unique to play though). What differentiates play from real fighting though? How can dogs communicate playful intentions, without getting in trouble with other dogs?

For starters, well-socialized dogs use meta-communication signals (meta-signals) which are meant to tell the other dogs that they are playing and that anything that follows is not to be taken seriously.  A common example of a meta-signal is the quintessential play-bow, which in a sort of way is the equivalent of a child saying “let’s pretend!” This signal informs the other dog that anything that follows is just play and it’s not to be taken seriously. Other than using meta-signals, dogs who have learned to play appropriately know that in order to keep play safe and from getting out of hand, they must fine-tune their tactics and inhibit/restrain themselves so to prevent conflict which may arise when there is too much loss of control.

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Adjusting Play Styles
self handicapping

When dogs play together, there are chances that one dog is much bigger, stronger, healthier, more confident or faster than the other, and if no restraint occurs, this bigger, faster and stronger dog may eventually end up not playing fairly, or worse, frightening or hurting his play mate. Fortunately, on top of inhibiting themselves as they do normally with dogs who are similar to them, dogs have also shown the capability of adjusting their play styles when they sense that a playmate is disadvantaged in some way. This adjustment in play style  that occurs when a play partner is perceived weaker, younger, or less motivated, is known as “self-handicapping.” Following are some examples of dogs engaging in self-handicapping behaviors:

“Self-handicapping occurs when individuals place themselves in disadvantaged positions or situations that could make them more vulnerable to attack by ‘opponents.” Camille Ward et al. 

puppy motherExamples of Dog Self-Handicapping Behaviors

  • A dog with superior abilities plays the role of being the weaker party. You may see this when a large dog “turns the tables” and allows a smaller dog to chase him as seen often in role-reversals. In such an instance, self-handicapping may occur simultaneously with role reversal.
  • A dog with superior abilities puts himself in disadvantageous positions or situations. An adult dog may keep his head lower  or stay in a vulnerable belly-up position when he plays with a puppy.
  • A dog with superior abilities adjusts his playing style to facilitate the play partner. The stronger dog may tug more gently with a dog that’s half his size.
  • A dog plays with a cat by lying down on the floor and engaging in very light paw touches and gentle mouthing behaviors.
  • Dogs may also engage in self-handicapping when they play play with us!  You may see it in particular when they play with children (but don’r rely on your dog’s judgement, always, always, always supervise all dog/children interactions to be safe!)

Keeping the Game Alivepuppy play

What’s the function of self-handicapping?Why would a dog give his playmate a competitive advantage? Most likely because it shows playful intent and keeps the game going. When a stronger, faster or bigger dog decides to put himself at a disadvantage, he’s likely doing so to keep his opponent “in the game.” It’s similar to a father who kicks the ball lightly and allows his child to win every now and then.

In dogs we might never know if there are any similar “altruistic” emotions going on, but it’s function appears to be to keep the interaction going and keep play session alive. The ability to self-handicap in dogs has likely a learned component. Like a small child pointing out to an older child “you play too rough!” a small dog might yelp or retreat to warn the bigger dog to play nice. Reminiscent of his past as a puppy when in the litter his siblings might have acted the same way, along with reminders from other past play sessions with dogs, the larger dog likely gets the message and make adjustments so to “play nicer.”

“From a functional perspective, self-handicapping and role-reversing, similar to using specific play invitation signals or altering behavioural sequences, might serve to signal an individual’s intention to continue to play.”~ Marc Bekoff

The Bottom Linedog play

Self-handicapping is sure an endearing behavior to watch, but not all dogs know how to apply it. Self-handicapping is a voluntary behavior that requires the dog’s ability to judge his playmate’s abilities and then make the necessary adjustments to maintain the play session worthy of continuing for both parties. This requires a great level of self-control in the midst of play which can become difficult to gauge when arousal levels get high. It’s a learning process that may take time as dogs mature and learn to control themselves better. Dog owners though can help by teaching their dogs better emotional control through structured games such as Ian Dunbar’s Jazz up and Settle Down game and by stepping in when their play with other dogs gets too rough.

“Self handicapping requires a lot of emotional control, and the irony about play is that part of its fun is that we can throw aside some of our inhibitions and lose a little bit of control. I suspect this is where a lot of dogs get into trouble. ~Patricia McConnell

Did you know? A study has shown that during play among litter mates, male puppies self-handicapped when playing with females more frequently than females self-handicapped with males.  For example, the pups would lick the female pup’s muzzles giving them a chance to bite them or they suddenly would flop to the ground ” like a boxer down for the count.”

“We know that in feral dog populations, female mate choice plays a role in male mating success, perhaps males use self-handicapping with females in order to learn more about them and to form close relationships with them — relationships that might later help males to secure future mating opportunities,”said Ward, in the study.


  • Revisiting Play Elements and Self-Handicapping in Play: A Comparative Ethogram of Five Old World Monkey Species, by Milada Petru et al, Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol. 123, No. 3, 250 –263
  • Partner preferences and asymmetries in social play among domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris littermates, Camille Ward, Erika B. BauerBarbara B. Smuts, Animal Behaviour Volume 76, Issue 4, October 2008, Pages 1187–1199
  • Social Play Behaviour Cooperation, Fairness, Trust, and the Evolution of Morality, by Marc Bekoff, retrieved from the web on March 30th, 2016
  • The Other End of the Leash,  Play and Self-Handicapping, by Patricia McConnell, retrieved from the Web on March 30th, 2016.
  • NBS News, When Puppies Play, It’s Ladies First, By Jennifer Viegas, retrieved from the Web on March 30th, 2016.

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